This wintry night scene is designed to capture the relationship between us, standing alone in the darkness, and the piercing lightness of the world outside.
In this quilt I wanted to explore the ideas of ambiguousness and of taking away, of suggesting. The feelings of the woman staring out the window are up to you- is she hopeful? Sad? Desperate? Inspired? I wanted her expression to be sufficiently unclear that the interpretation reflected the feelings and situation of the viewer rather than the artist.
2015, 42 x 50, Currently in Quilt National 2015
For more information on this piece, please check out the blog posts featuring it.
This portrait of my dog Bentley was inspired by a picture of him in the grass with a delectable bone. His bouncy personality and my love of color shine through!
41 x 38”, 2018, NFS
31"W x 35"H, 2016, NFS
For more on this project, take a look at the blog posts about it.
Sport and target shooting is about my connections with my family; with my father and grandfather and uncles and sister. It’s an outlet for my energy, for my competitive nature, for my mental focus. It’s my friends and my community. I resist and resent the labels, the assumption that we’re all “rednecks” or uneducated or “gun nuts” or “right wing”, the idea that we don’t care as much (or more) about firearms safety than those who don’t own guns, the accusation that we aren’t just as horrified by shooting tragedies as everyone else. Let’s back away from the extremes, stop listening to the lobbyists, and find a dialogue together.
2917, 41"W x 32"H, $1,200
These thread painted portraits of my dogs Bullett, Missy, and Pumpkin were designed to capture the flavor of their personalities. Watch out for Missy, she'll give you the evil eye!
2013, 29 x 49, NFS
For more info about this project, check out my blog posts about The Dogs.
This portrait of my dog Missy depicts her in one of my favorite poses. Perched on the back of a motorcycle, protective goggles in place, peering out at the world.
24” x 24”, 2018, NFS
For more on this project, take a look at the blog posts about it.
I'm definitely black and white and "read all over" as the old bad joke goes, although my preferred color has always been pink rather than red. Books have played a huge role in my life, helping to shape and define who I am as much as the unique biological indicators we more often think of when considering identity. What has influenced who you are?
2013, 18 x 24, NFS
For more on this quilt, check out the blog posts on it.
I hate photos of myself, but this is a view I can fully embrace. It's a bit self-referential, abstracted from a picture taken while I was hand sewing, itself sewn together and quilted. It echoes traditional quilting in its pieced block structure, but is very much me, lots of rich textured fabrics, shiny golds, and twinkling metallic threads. The abstract piecing and openwork structure make me think of looking at a reflection in a beautiful shattered mirror, almost kaleidoscopic.
2023, $1,500
For more information about this piece, please see the blog posts about it.