What do I want to say? That climate change is real and we need to take responsibility for it? That if we don’t protect our environment and natural resources now, our children won’t have anything left to protect in the future? That evidenced-based science should inform policy? That immigrant rights are human rights? That feminism isn’t a dirty word? That implicit bias is real and ignoring racism won’t make it disappear? Yes, yes, yes to all of that. But more overarchingly, I want to say that my (and your) American experience is not all American experiences. That good leadership requires recognizing that those you serve don’t have the same needs and perspectives as you do. Stop conversing with only those who think like you do. To quote our choir director- “Listen louder than you sing”.
2017, 29.5W x 42H, $1,000
For more information about the making of this quilt, check out the posts about it on my blog.
In remembrance of women throughout the world who remain voiceless, oppressed, judged for their choices, or stripped of their identity. In solidarity with those of all faiths, or no faith, who choose inclusion rather than anger.
2016, 34 x 45, $1,500
For more information about this piece, please see my blog posts about it.
A purely abstracted exploration of shape and line, yet immediately I see an alien skull.
2020, 20” x 20” x 25”, $350
For more on this piece, see the blog post about it.
Inspired by the string art drawings from my childhood, I created this basket form.
2020, 18 x 16 x 6, $300
For more about this piece, see the blog posts about it.
This piece is an exploration of geometry, shape, and line.
2020, 18” x 24” x 18”, $350
For more on this piece, see the blog post about it.
I love variation in colors and shapes found in flower petals. I'm particularly intrigued by bromeliads, which have layer after layer of spiky petals. This piece is my interpretation of an abstracted bromeliad.
2018, 32”Hx50”Wx28”D, $1500
"I will be grateful for today" serves as a mantra, couched into the background of my art and my brain. I'm not always successful at recalling it in times of stress and exhaustion, but it is there as a call to action all the same.
2022, 31”H x 48”H, $750
For more information about this piece, please see the blog posts about it.
Not all technology-filled futures are dystopian. Here I embraced solarpunk and an optimistic vision of the future where we use technology to generate clean power from the sun, conquer pollution, and save the planet. The neon-colored 80s kid inside me has hope for a reforested future of humans happily living among the trees, in harmony with natural ecosystems and flourishing as part of the great biodiversity of Earth rather than at its expense.
2023, 38” H x 27”W, $900
For more on this piece, please see the blog posts about it.
2016, 12"W x 24"H, $195
For more information about this piece, please see the blog post about it.