Please read carefully before you click “Add to Cart”
Do not complete this form/purchase from a mobile device.
Select your FAO membership status from the dropdown menu below. Leave the quantity dropdown set to 1 (1 entry fee per artist even if you are entering multiple pieces). If you change that number you will be overcharged.
BEFORE you click “Add to Cart” be prepared with all of the images for your entry (see additional information on images below) and all of your form information (see form information below). Once you click “Add to Cart” a form will pop-up with fields to enter up to three pieces. If you only have one piece to enter, just fill in the fields associated with “Entry 1”. If you have multiple entries, fill in all the fields. All of your entry information will go in this one form.
Personal information (your name/address/email etc.) will be collected on the next page along with entry fee information.
Form Information Requried
For each entry, you will need the entry name, year completed, entry size (in inches), artist statement about the piece (maximum 60 words), list of materials/techniques, collaborator name(s) (if any), sale price (or insurance price if not for sale).
Image Information
You will need two images of each piece, one full image showing the whole piece with border/edge/background visible (Do NOT crop the edge of pieces) and one detail image. For 3D pieces, you can include two different views rather than a detail. All images must be in JPG format with the dimension of the longest side ranging from 2100-2400 pixels.
Entries with images that do not meet these criteria will not be considered.
If you have questions about the entry site or payment, please email Shannon Conley (
If you have questions about the prospectus, please email Denise Paglio (
The Fiberworks 2025 Prospectus can be found here.