Hi friends, please fill out the form below and upload your pictures for our 4 Common Corners call entitled “Cottonwood”. By submitting this way we have all the information in one place for submitting to venues. If you have any difficulties or questions about the form, email Shannon at: la.emperatriz@gmail.com
After you upload the images, you must come back to this main page and click Submit
You will need one full image and one detail image for each quilt. The images should be between 2100-4200 pixels on the longest side. It is essential that you name the pieces “title of work-full” and “title of work-detail”. Your name (but not the title of the piece) will be appended automatically by the submission system.
Please upload your images first. After you upload the images, come back here and fill out the form info. Please name images “Title of work-full” and “Title of work-detail”